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Providing outdoor recreation to Ottawa’s youth that would not otherwise have the opportunity

The reality is that youth involved within their community are more likely to feel a sense of purpose and belonging, are more likely to engage in positive behaviours, have higher self-esteem, and be more resilient in the face of challenges.


Rohan's story

Rohan was first hesitant to sign up, as he had never been on a mountain bike and was worried about keeping up. After deciding to give it a try, he quickly found himself surrounded by a supportive community of peers and mentors who encouraged him every step of the way.


Rohan became a regular participant in the program and over time his confidence grew. Being a part of something larger than himself allowed Rohan to pursue his passions without fear of judgement and build his self confidence. Around year 4 Rohan began to take on leadership roles within the organization, helping to plan and lead group rides and volunteering at fundraising events. The program helped him discovered a love of outdoor sports and physical activity that would stay with him for life.


Rohan started to train in karate and eventually competed at the national level, earning multiple medals and accolades along the way. Today, he has graduated honours BSc in Translational and Molecular Medicine while competing on the rugby team all at the University of Ottawa.


Looking back on his journey, Rohan is grateful for the opportunities that Trips for Kids provided him, and for the mentors and friends who supported him along the way. He credits Trips for Kids with helping him to develop the skills and confidence he needed to succeed in school and in life. He recommends that all kids join the program or get involved within their local community.




Meals served




Volunteer hours

Cat Weaver at Ontario Trillium foundation event trips for kids ottawa donor for kids outdoor camp charity
 trips for kids outdoor camp charity

We believe that the simple act of riding a bike positively impacts children's lives by promoting confidence, independence and empowerment.


Our mentorship and activities are geared to promote healthy lifestyles, environmental awareness, and personal empowerment. We aim to help each rider develop a sense of belonging and responsibility through community involvement, personal development and independence.


More than the nature lessons, fresh air and exercise, they learn to be active citizens and understand the importance of giving back.


Our snowshoeing and hiking trips provide an opportunity for kids to explore with experienced guides leading the way.


Pedal power! Biking is our core. In the summer months we bike to teach valuable skills beyond the beautiful local trails.


Join us on the ice for our new skating program and discover a new passion!

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